The Trademark Act permits registration of marks for both goods and services. For many years, the Trademark Office has interpreted this to include “store services,” meaning the operation of a retail establishment selling products. More recently, it has permitted registration for “online store services.”
In Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. v. Ava Labs, Inc. (TTAB 2024), the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board held that a business can register the same mark for both products and online store services selling that product, even if the only product sold is the company’s product. This is common for companies that operate a website to sell the products they manufacture. Now they can get two registrations, one for the product and one for a website that sells the product.
In Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. v. Ava Labs, Inc. (TTAB 2024), the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board held that a business can register the same mark for both products and online store services selling that product, even if the only product sold is the company’s product. This is common for companies that operate a website to sell the products they manufacture. Now they can get two registrations, one for the product and one for a website that sells the product.